

A Financially Viable

And Energy Efficient

Indoor Vertical

Farming Systems

About Grönt

Future Farming

GRÖNT aim to play a pivotal role in solving the global food- livestock feed challenges as our population continues to rise to an estimated 10 Billion people by 2050 and 11 Billion by 2100.

AgTech Innovators

GRÖNT develop economically viable Nanoponics technology growth systems providing sustainable, clean, healthy, and nutritious food- feed while using fewer resources than any other CEA or IVF system.

Grönt Media



Grönt Technology

Globally we are the only developer of Nanoponics technology growth systems. This technology will set the standards for the next generation CEA systems overcoming many of the limitations posed by current soil and fluid-based systems.


We are conducting leading research in the fields of CEA and will commercialize a diverse range of products while entering collaborations, partnerships, joint ventures with specialists and entities sharing our vision.


Growing Greens

GRÖNT utilize circular economy-based system technology which offers scalable hyperlocal production of fresh, nutrient-rich, healthy, and affordable produce. Sources of contamination are removed, availability is secured since unaffected by outside environmental conditions, and seasonality is eliminated creating stable market prices beneficial for producer and end-users alike. Below examples of produce suitable for our systems.

image of food


You are what you eat, food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for an organism.

image of a girl feeding an animal


Animal are what they eat, feed is given to domestic animals especially livestock and is frequently the main cost of the raising animals.

image of cosmetics


Cosmetics are constituted from a mixture of chemical compounds derived from either natural sources or synthetically created ones.

image of a pharmacist


Pharmaceutical specialty crops that require clean room quality can with advantage be grown in our systems.